Powering Agriculture From Farm To Fork
“With Eka’s CSM grain stock management system we were able to efficiently manage our grain harvest, paying 98% of farmers within 24 hours of delivery.”
- Bill Thompson, Technical Services Manager at Emerald Grains

Asset Classes
Coffee companies must accurately track and optimize complex itineraries across multiple origins, points of pickup from each origin, destinations and more, while providing traceability to ensure quality of coffee beans.

Sugar trading is evolving as consumers turn away from refined sugar and sugar traders target biofuels. Sugar companies must balance entering this complicated new market while driving profits in traditional sugar commodity trading markets.

Grain and Oil Seeds
Growing populations, rising incomes, and changing food preferences increase demand for agriculture products, while factors such as climate change and water shortages limit supply. Grain companies must manage both.

As climate change initiatives grow, more agriculture commodity trading companies are turning to biofuels as a new source of growth and income. Profiting in biofuels requires trading in both agriculture commodity and energy markets, a complex feat.

Trusted By 100+ Global Businesses

Coffee Board of India Drives Efficiency And Profits With Blockchain Marketplace
Harness The Power Of Cloud With Our CTRM And ETRM Solutions
Physical Trade
Get end-to-end coverage of physical commodity trading with our CTRM software.
- Contract management
- Pricing
- Scheduling
- Workflow management
- Real-time views of position, exposure, and P&L
- Discounts and premiums
- Procurement
Get end-to-end coverage of physical commodity trading with our CTRM software.
- Contract management
- Pricing
- Scheduling
- Workflow management
- Real-time views of position, exposure, and P&L
- Discounts and premiums
- Procurement
Derivative Trades
Manage commodity derivative trading in one system with our CTRM system.
- Hedging and speculation
- Margins and brokerage
- Mark to market computations
- Aligned to industry standard protocols with different exchange and regulatory frameworks
Manage commodity derivative trading in one system with our CTRM system.
- Hedging and speculation
- Margins and brokerage
- Mark to market computations
- Aligned to industry standard protocols with different exchange and regulatory frameworks
MTM and Position
View your real-time position exposure for physicals, derivatives, and Forex trading with our CTRM software. Analyze the potential impact of dynamic market prices.
- Detailed views
- Simulate scenarios
- Real-time P&L
- Predict performance
View your real-time position exposure for physicals, derivatives, and Forex trading with our CTRM software. Analyze the potential impact of dynamic market prices.
- Detailed views
- Simulate scenarios
- Real-time P&L
- Predict performance
P&L Explained
Identify critical factors for profit and loss change over time with our CTRM software.
- Allocate P&L into more than 50 attribution buckets
- Spot anomalies
- Identify factors for P&L change
- View position change
Identify critical factors for profit and loss change over time with our CTRM software.
- Allocate P&L into more than 50 attribution buckets
- Spot anomalies
- Identify factors for P&L change
- View position change
VAR Calculation
Mitigate value at risks through informed decisions with our CTRM system.
- Compute VAR on portfolio/scenario combinations
- Calculate component VAR
- Simulate market scenarios
- Identify correlations between different market curves, interest, and exchange rates
Mitigate value at risks through informed decisions with our CTRM system.
- Compute VAR on portfolio/scenario combinations
- Calculate component VAR
- Simulate market scenarios
- Identify correlations between different market curves, interest, and exchange rates
Manage real-time logistics and trade settlement, with our CTRM software.
- Track goods movement
- Analyze KPIs by managing settlements and inventory
- Calculate accrual adjustments
- Manage costs, settlements, taxes, levies, and cash flow
- Track goods movement
- Analyze KPIs by logistics company, route, and more
- Analyze elevator site logistics
Manage real-time logistics and trade settlement, with our CTRM software.
- Track goods movement
- Analyze KPIs by managing settlements and inventory
- Calculate accrual adjustments
- Manage costs, settlements, taxes, levies, and cash flow
- Track goods movement
- Analyze KPIs by logistics company, route, and more
- Analyze elevator site logistics
Risk and Monitoring
Analyze global risk and track breaches with our CTRM solutions.
- Define risk limit policies against position, P&L and VAR
- Create alerts for breaches
- Analyze breaches to assess the impact on P&L
- Analyze trades by user-defined specifications
Analyze global risk and track breaches with our CTRM solutions.
- Define risk limit policies against position, P&L and VAR
- Create alerts for breaches
- Analyze breaches to assess the impact on P&L
- Analyze trades by user-defined specifications
Achieve Better Business Outcomes

Coffee gets blockchained
The Coffee Board of India chose Eka’s Blockchain Marketplace to enable digital collaboration between farmers and buyers, powering efficiency and profits.

Collaboration made easy
Farmer Connect eliminates emails and phone calls to negotiate prices and contracts and provides a transparent bid log for an accurate audit trail.