Managing risk for soft and hard commodities
Both soft and hard commodity companies are continuously exposed to multiple risks associated with increasingly volatile markets, changing regulations,…
Connecting your ecosystem, winning in the turn
In June of last year, during the height of the pandemic, the IBM Institute of Business Value (IBV) surveyed over 3000 CEOs on their organizational priorities…
5 Key considerations to boost CTRM adoption by the team
The right CTRM solution brings massive business value thanks to the benefits of better collaboration and access to a centralized source of data. However,…
The C-Suite wants a digital transformation, now what?
While it’s not often that you get a clear mandate to buy technology, many leaders are giving their teams a clear mandate to change, improve, optimize, etc.…
5 ways digitization is driving change in the global commodity market (Part 2)
If there is one important lesson that enterprises in the global commodity market can take away from their experiences in the last 12 months, it has to be a…
Learn the difference between sustainability and ESG software
We’ve all heard the buzzwords around sustainability. It’s a topic central to almost everyone from those concerned with humanitarian efforts to those concerned…
Why resilient companies need a business sustainability software that supports digital transformation and regulatory compliance
As the world emerges from a global lock-down, supply chain resilience and business continuity continues to be at the core of every conversation. What companies…
5 ways digitization is driving change in the global commodity market (Part 1)
5 ways digitization is driving change in the global commodity market Part 1: Tool for a modern workforceIf there is one important lesson that enterprises in…
Why automation is mission critical now
In an article published by Gartner, analysts note that their 2020 view of hyperautomation has changed in 2021 because COVID-19 has caused an acceleration of…