Tackle global risks with ease
Define risk limit policies. Analyze global risk across multiple portfolios and books. Track limit breaches and utilization.
Define risk limit policies against position, P&L and VaR.

Analyze breach details to assess individual trade impact on P&L.

Track breaches against set limits and utilizations with near real-time notifications.

Analyze trades by user-defined specifications. Produce multiple reports and analysis to comply with MAR requirements.

View individual trader activity and trade information. Identify trends to detect trades ahead of price movements or significant events.

Define risk limit policies against position, P&L and VaR.

Analyze breach details to assess individual trade impact on P&L.

Track breaches against set limits and utilizations with near real-time notifications.

Analyze trades by user-defined specifications. Produce multiple reports and analysis to comply with MAR requirements.

View individual trader activity and trade information. Identify trends to detect trades ahead of price movements or significant events.
Trusted by 100+ global businesses

Achieve better business outcomes

Identify risk by comparing potential market scenarios with the VaR app. Companies need better visibility into market risk, but information about risk resides in multiple sources including internal software systems, news feeds, market feeds and weather reports.

Credit risk
Assess the counterparty credit risk and provide a single point of truth on credit risk exposure with Eka’s Credit Risk app. Businesses are using disconnected systems to process and calculate counterparty credit risk online for pre-deal, pre-shipment and pre-invoice checks.