A treasurer’s role revolves around executing critical functions that play into maintaining a business’ financial health. This involves working capital management, cash management and forecasting to name a few. Each of these activities calls for sifting large volumes of data stored in disparate ERP systems on the daily. When done manually, it not only takes focus away from more strategic work, but also costs treasures precious time that can otherwise be saved through automation. Automating the connection to ERP is one of the key steps treasures can take to achieve the greater goals of improving productivity, reducing cost, improving desired outcomes and most importantly, gaining greater control of cash flows.

Download this e-book on ‘Enabling treasury automation with seamless ERP connectivity’ to understand:

  • Why disparate ERP systems slow down treasurers
  • How automation can help speed up information flow
  • How seamless connectivity to ERP helps improve and provide greater visibility and time back to treasury teams