A new McKinsey survey of supply chain executives shows that a whopping 85% of respondents struggled with inefficient digital technologies in their supply chains.

If managing your supply chains is still a manual process, you are falling  behind. Modern technology unites hundreds of individuals across an organization and across their entire ecosystem of suppliers.  By integrating purpose-built backend systems, you can predictably achieve more.

There’s never been a better time to connect and learn more about digital transformation for your supply chain. Unprecedented global economic shifts, changing consumer demands, an increasing focus on environmental stewardship, major supply chain advances and a wave of new technological disruptions are creating real opportunities and challenges for farmers and companies operating right across the food value chain.

We invite you to attend Reuters Food Chain Connect 2020 on November 5, 2020 where we will be sharing insights and best practices with industry leaders with our story of “Digitally transforming agriculture and food supply chains: Emerald Grain’s journey with Eka”. Click here to learn more about our session and additional links to the event. Want to hear more about what it takes and get your project moving? Don’t wait and setup a meeting with one of our experts today.

Eka, a global leader in providing digital solutions, deploys integrated tools and technologies to help companies plan and execute the movement of goods across the trading value chain with more insight. Purpose-built for direct materials businesses, Eka’s integrated solutions for upstream supply chain lets businesses across asset classes automate logistics, improve utilization of assets, and gain real-time visibility into material movement, inventory, and quality.

The Eka Cloud Platform gives you superior speed and agility to succeed in today’s fast moving, uncertain markets and is the leading digital commodity management platform for trading and risk, supply chain, financial management and collaboration with trading partners. With Eka’s platform – you can collaborate more effectively, improve risk management, manage sustainability and automate processes to increase operational efficiency. Simply choose the application you need and scale as you grow.

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